Effortlessly Share Your Ring Doorbell Camera with Family
Effortlessly Share Your Ring Doorbell Camera with Family

Effortlessly Share Your Ring Doorbell Camera with Family: A Step-by-Step Guide for Enhanced Home Securit

Home security is on the minds of both families and everyone else in society today, especially with your home feeling like a fortress thanks to this clever device. However, did you have any idea that it is more beneficial to give access to the Ring Doorbell Camera of yours with family members? At the work place, be traveling or just want a peace of mind — by sharing with trusted family members not only you get more out of your home but it is also secondary checked since if anything goes wrong/massive in scale someone else will know right away. In this guide, we show you how to share your Ring Door Bell Camera with family so that everyone can enjoy the real-time alert and video footage facility of it and make a home like no other.

Reasons Not to Share Ring Doorbell Camera Access

Effortlessly Share Your Ring Doorbell Camera with Family
image source:butterflymx.com

Here are some reasons why you should give family members Ring Doorbell Camera access.

  • Enhanced Security:
    Your home security goes a long way up when more than one person in the family can connect to your Ring Doorbell Camera at once. Think of having multiple sets of eyes watching every movement that comes to your door. With multiple viewers and responders, any late-night visitors or unexpected deliveries are less likely to be missed. This community vigilance means that suspicious activity is likely to be reported early, and stopped in its tracks before it threatens your home security.
  • Peace of Mind:
    When you share access to your Ring Doorbell Camera with trusted family members, it is an unrivaled level of comfort. Go ahead and enjoy yourself, because your pup will be in good hands whether you are at work or on extended vacation! These are shared responsibilities, which means you no longer have to worry about keeping an eye on the camera yourself & can enjoy your well deserved break knowing that all issues will be taken care of promptly.
  • Convenience:
    Perhaps the most practical advantage of passing your Ring Doorbell Camera access to others is that it makes sharing easier. This way any family member can easily handle the daily activities like receiving deliveries, welcome guests, or even take care of home emergencies without disturbing you from your day. This is great for when you’re in meetings or on the go, and can’t respond right away. Once you have shared access, you no longer need to tell each other who at the door all of the time; a pretty handy not having to make small talk when someone else has already answered.

How to Share Ring Doorbell Camera Access

It is an easy process to share your Ring Doorbell Camera access with another person. Here’s how you can do it:

Step 1: Open the Ring App

  1. Open the Ring App on Your Smartphone or Tablet:
    The Ring app can be found on the home screen of your smartphone or tablet, and in some cases in the Apps menu. Click on the app icon to open it. After the app is open, make sure you are logged in with your own account that was linked to Ring Doorbell Camera for taking control. And it is important as access will be shared or changes to device setting made through the account holder,or a user corresponding admin privilege.
  2. Navigate to the Menu:
    On the next page, you can log in and become familiar with the user interface of this app. There are three horizontal lines in the upper left (the “hamburger menu”) on this screen. This is the icon through which you can access all settings and options that Ring app offers. Click on those 3 lines to get a menu. This takes you to where you can get all the details associated with your account, devices linked, shared users and other security settings. In each section I will also explain how to navigate through this menu as it is the first step in controlling your Ring Doorbell Camera and sharing access with family members.

Step 2: Access the Shared Users Option

  1. Select Devices:
    Upon opening the menu, you’ll have many settings to choose from that let you manage a variety of things with your Ring system. Next, select Devices to continue with the sharing access process. With the List in this section, you can see all Ring devices that are currently registered at your account — doorbells and cameras like smart locks or a connected chime. This is handy for users with several Ring products, but should also help keep everything more succinct in one place.
  2. Choose Your Doorbell:
    On the list of ‘Devices’ you can see all ring devices connected to your account which are either named or by location. Now scroll the list and choose your Ring Doorbell Camera you wish to share access with. This is important if you have multiple ring cameras at different locations such that the access to be shared only applies to your selected doorbell or room.
  3. Tap on Shared Users:
    After identifying the correct Ring Doorbell Camera, it will take you over to that devices settings page. This is where you’ll control all aspects of the camera, such as turning notifications on and off, changing your motion settings and so forth. To share access, scroll through the settings for SHARED USERS. This way you can add, set access rights or remove people able to see the feed from your camera and get alerts. Select ‘Shared Users’ to open a new page where you will be prompted on how to invite people from your family group.

Step 3: Add a New User

  1. Enter the Email Address:
    When you click on ‘Shared Users’, a pop-up will show up, where allow access to the Ring Doorbell Camera options are again listed. You will then need to invite the person you want access by typing in their email address and pressing enter. This should be another email which the family member actually uses as they will have to login with this when using the Ring app. Enter their email address in the respective text box. Since the invitation will be sent to that email address you may want to make sure it is typed correctly in order not top gain respect from one FB account. This ensures that the correct individual is granted access and can log in.
  2. Send Invitation:
    With the right email address entered, now it is time to send Invite. Along the way, you will find a button titled “Send Invite”; press it to get started. Ring will then automatically create an email invitation for this access — complete with a link your family member uses to accept the privilege. The email gets sent to their inbox with instructions on next steps. When they click on the link, it will send transfer permission to your Ring account and be able access your chosen Ring Doorbell Camera. If your house is the original location, then this means that in addition to keeping tabs of security at home with you, they can also join without restriction.

Step 4: Family Member Accepts the Invitation

Effortlessly Share Your Ring Doorbell Camera with Family
image source : aboutamazon.com
  1. Check the Email:
    After you send the invitation your family member will see an email from Ring in their inbox. They need to monitor their email, because this is the ticket into your Ring Doorbell Camera. Q: How quickly can nominees expect to receive the email? This email will contain crucial details such as the name of a device they are being invited to access and what steps should be taken next. For doing exams it is better on there end to go through the specifics making sure everything appears ok prior opening way.
  2. Follow the Link:
    There will be a large link in the middle of the email that your family member needs to click. This is a critical link provision by you, as it will instruct them how to set up their access to your Ring Doorbell Camera. When they click the link, Ring sends them to a secure webpage on its site or app where they can accept that invitation. The instructions that they are going to provide will help them step by step on the setup process. The process is pretty painless, but the email generally also includes instructions should they hit any trouble or a phone number for getting in touch with Ring support.
  3. Download the Ring App:
    If your family member isn’t using smartphones and/or tablets with the Ring app installed, now is when you do that. The app is obtainable through both iOS & Android devices and can be located at the App Store or PlayStore. After they download the app, they have to log in with their email address (which is needed during invitation). As soon as they sign in using the same credentials, you will see that permission has been granted for them to view your Ring Doorbell Camera and from there on out everything — live footage viewing/setting up alerts/changing settings etc., exactly like how it works for you. They probably are going to check other features and settings as well if they just have the Ring app for first time.

Step 5: Manage Access and Permissions

  1. Customizing Access:
    When your family member is through setting up the access they simply have to accept it and you can configure their permissions further. Simply go back to the Shared Users screen in your Ring app by going through the same steps you used when first inviting them. Next, you will be shown a list of all the people that currently have access to your Ring Doorbell Camera. You can see the details of their access by choosing that member. With this access control customization, you can refine their experience to accommodate responsibilities and knowledge regarding your home security so that it remains supple yet defined.
  2. Set Permissions:
    You can choose to set permissions for individual users within the ‘Shared Users’ menu. This gives you the power to control what your loved one can do with Ring Doorbell Camera. You say, want them to see the recorded footage or receive a real-time notification when someone is at the door, perhaps just have access to live view of what’s going on right now. Alternatively, you can restrict what they have access to —including things like being able to watch video but not get notifications. Having these permissions lets you decide how your Ring Doorbell Camera will be utilized, and enables you to keep it secure while still sharing access with those who are in order.
  3. Remove Access:
    At some point you might want to remove access for a user, it could be because of changing circumstances or maybe their account is simply not required anymore. Revoking access is as simple to do. In that ‘Shared Users’ menu, you can select the user whom you want to remove and simply click this option of revoke access. Once they are taken off, they won’t able to check the camera feed any more or get notifications and interact with Ring Doorbell Camera in anyway. It guarantees that you are in the driver’s seat of your home security and can make changes as required on a fly.

How to Keep Shared Access on the Down Low

Effortlessly Share Your Ring Doorbell Camera with Family
image source : thelondoneconomic.com

To make it a pleasurable experience for everyone we put together the following tips::

Set Clear Boundaries

  • Communication:
    Communication is Important for Sharing Ring Doorbell Camera with Family Fixing it!!! There should be a conversation about what the expectations are before you give access. Talk to your family about what to watch for, say on Saturday afternoon or every time the door is used. This could be as simple as requesting their help with mail while you’re away, or asking them to answer your door if deliveries are arriving. By establishing these rules, you create a shared understanding about the level of security that each person is responsible for in your home. Also, recommend having your family members alert you to any issues or abnormalities they may encounter that way these situations can be dealt with together.
  • Permissions:
    One of the things that we love about shared access is, you still get to control what permissions each user has. One Ring Doorbell Camera and all of its features may not need to be available for every member of the family. For example, you can give one person the view rights that enable them to watch live or recorded videos while someone else only needs notification alerts when somebody arrives at your door. When you customize permissions to match a user’s specific role and set of criteria, it ensures they have the access that is necessary. It also prevents users from accidentally altering their settings, and these notifications are likely considered to be less important for the menu is just somewhere it should stay.

Regularly Update Access

  • Review Shared Users:
    You should periodically check out who you have given access to view your Ring Doorbell Camera. While you may need more at times — family members moving out or in, your security level is changing etc. Also, you can check the ‘Shared Users’ section in your Ring app often to make sure only who should access your camera does. By vetting each new person you grant permission to your home, this review process ensures that even if access is changed and forgotten about over time (as so often happens with old digital keys), it has not done so under the radar. Then, during these reviews, check in with your team to determine whether each user still needs the permissions that they have and if something should be adjusted.
  • Revoke Access:
    In some cases a family member no longer requires access to your Ring Doorbell Camera. For whatever reason (they moved, they no longer need to monitor the camera, etc), you should make absolutely sure that if someone who isn’t supposed to be on your security system is removed from it as quickly as possible. Revoking access is easy, you just add to shared users in the Ring app and delete their right of entry with a few taps. This way, you can avoid any security risks related to outdated or unwanted access. Henceforth, execute the changes as per your comfort that will play an eminent role in safeguarding your home and providing a feeling of security to ensure only known people would be watching over Ring Doorbell Camera.

Keep Your Account Secure

  • Strong Passwords:
    Using a strong, unique password is one of the most basic things that you can do to protect your Ring account. A safe password should be 12 characters or longer and have a mix of capital (uppercase) letters, lower case (lowercase), numbers & special characters. Don’t use information which can easily be guessed like birthdays, common words or easy sequences such as ‘123456. The best way is to make a password that relates no strings with any of personal information. Which will minimize chances of any hacking that may reach to your account. And in general, don’t reuse passwords—your Ring account password should not be the same as your other online accounts. That way, even if one of your other accounts are breached, Ring is secure. Use A Password Manager So You Can Create And Keep Complex Passwords Securely, This Will Make It Easier For You To Maintain Stronger Codes Without Remembering All Of Them.
  • Enable Two-Factor Authentication:
    Another advisable way to improve Ring security is for you to be using two-factor authentication (2FA). Adding two-factor authentication means that in addition to knowing your password, one would need physical access to a second device — generally speaking: getting an authorization code texted or e-mailed when you log into the site. That means that even if someone had your password, they still could not get into their account unless he also has your phone. Activating 2FA is pretty straightforward in the Ring app, and it cuts down on that avenue of potential abuse drastically. Even using this data breach as an example, with 2FA enabled on your account you have the peace of mind knowing that anyone trying to access Ring Doorbell Camera enjoys a bit higher bar by having to pass through another security barrier before being able to snoop around in your devices.


Granting access to your Ring Doorbell Camera for some of the family members is one way to level up home security. Enter the steps proposed in this guide, which make it simple to give trusted family members a way into your property video without needing them breaking there down themselves. As always take care to manage access and if you so choose keep your account details secure, change any default passwords or settings where possible soon as well to ensure software updates can be completed in the future.


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